1000 Photoshop Tips and Tricks Tutorial 2010

  1000 Photoshop Tips and Tricks Tutorial 2010
Language: English
Size: 33MB
This book contains 1000 cool photoshop effects and tutorials. Pictures are included along the way, along with descriptive explanations of each step. - Motion Pictures - Turning a Character Into a Puppet - Out of Bounds - Creating Rain - Creating a Wormhole - Creating Fur - Motion Tweens and Guides [Flash] - Making Graffiti - Turning a Character Into a Zombie - Perspective - Gender Blending - Face Swapping - Tattoos - Displacement Maps and Textures And many, many more!

1000 Photoshop Tips and Tricks Tutorial 2010 1000 Photoshop Tips and Tricks Tutorial 2010 Reviewed by Chi Pu on 06:39 Rating: 5

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