Fast Five (2011) TS

Plot : Fast Five, also known as The Fast and the Furious 5, is a street racing movie, which is skillfully directed by a famous trio comprising of Rob CohenJohn Singleton and Justin Lin. It is the fifth movie of the highly profitable franchise, Fast and Furious. The movie focuses on Dominic and his crew members, who fall in the law suit once again. This time the furious five face trouble, while dealing with a relentless federal agent and a ruthless drug lord. The movie showcases all the familiar faces, but in completely new situations. Hobbs is a federal agent, who has been chosen to track down Brian and Dom, because Dom has escaped from Hobbs’ custody, with the help of Mia and Brian. In order to complete his mission, Hobbs launches a highly-competent team to kill them. Will Brian and Dom be able to come out of the clutches of Hobbs? What happens when Hobbs’ team encounters the two? It is really difficult to sway away from the clutches of authorities. So, Dom has to face a similar kind of situation. Brian, Dom and Mia hide themselves in one of the corners of Reo de Janeiro.

 Action | Crime | Drama  

cinema : 5 May 2011 (Malaysia)


Fast Five (2011) TS Fast Five (2011) TS Reviewed by Chi Pu on 05:01 Rating: 5

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