Genre : Comedy / Fantasy / Romance Plot Outline : A ghost tries to sabotage her former boyfriend's current relationship with a psychic....
Over Her Dead Body [2008] Over Her Dead Body [2008] Reviewed by Chi Pu on 04:15 Rating: 5
Genre : Crime / Drama / Thriller Plot Outline : A thriller about a college professor who, while moonlighting as a forensic psychiatrist for ...
88 Minutes [2008] 88 Minutes [2008] Reviewed by Chi Pu on 08:32 Rating: 5
Genre : Crime / Thriller Plot Outline : FBI agent Jennifer Marsh is tasked with hunting down a seemingly untraceable serial killer who posts...
Untraceable [2008] Untraceable [2008] Reviewed by Chi Pu on 09:05 Rating: 5
National Lampoon present One, Two, Many [2008] National Lampoon present One, Two, Many [2008] Reviewed by Chi Pu on 08:21 Rating: 5