Software Download Movie : Internet Download Manager 6.05 BUILD 10 FULL With Patch

Software Download Movie : Internet Download Manager 6.05 With Patch

Software Details

-Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a toolto increase download speeds by up to 3 times, resume and schedule downloads.

-Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages.

-Simple graphic user interface makes IDM user friendly and easy to use.

-It basically makes more than one connections to download by breaking the file being downloaded into different parts then combining them afterwards.

-It is also used for SAVING VIDEOS from sites like youtube,metacafe,5min etc ,a small tab appears on the top automatically whenever you open a video on any streaming site.The videos will be saved in Libraries/Documents/Downloads/video as default.

-Works with Mozilla Firefox 4.

Steps to install:
1) Install idman605.exe
2) Exit the program. (Right click on the  green icon of IDM found in the system tray --> Exit)
3) Copy the file "IDMan" from the folder crack, in install folder, by default:
C:\Program Files\Internet Download Manager
and confirm to overwrite existing file.
4) Run the file "regkey" from folder "crack" to register the program.


Software Download Movie : Internet Download Manager 6.05 BUILD 10 FULL With Patch Software Download Movie : Internet Download Manager 6.05 BUILD 10 FULL With Patch Reviewed by Chi Pu on 10:09 Rating: 5

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