Autodesk 3ds max 2010 + Crack - T2U

* A new Graphite modeling and texturing system, which introduces at least 100 new creative tools, to explore and rapidly iterate ideas.
* A new Containers toolset to facilitate collaboration and flexible workflows by enabling the collection of multiple objects into a single container when dealing with complex scenes.
* Render animation sequences in mental ray with indirect illumination calculations (Final Gather), greatly reducing or eliminating traditional flickering issues.
* Updated Review technology to take the guesswork out of final renders with render-like viewport display supporting: ambient occlusion, High Dynamic Range Image (HDRI)-based lighting, soft shadows, hardware anti-aliasing, interactive exposure control, and the revolutionary mental mill® shader technology.
* New Material Explorer simplifies interaction with objects and materials. Navigate all rendering-related assets in the scene, perform operations on multiple objects, or inspect individual materials. The Material Explorer also allows for the replacement of materials—making iterations much easier, even in highly complex scenes. 


Autodesk 3ds max 2010 + Crack - T2U Autodesk 3ds max 2010 + Crack - T2U Reviewed by Chi Pu on 12:20 Rating: 5

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