Battleground [2001] DVDRip - T2U Mediafire Link

File Name : Battleground [2001] DVDRip
Genre: Action | Horror | Thriller
Country: USA
Language: English

Battleground or (Skeleton Lake) about a grizzled, angry, well-armed Vietnam War vet who encounters six ruthless bank robbers in the forest. The trailer, via the official website, is pretty self explanatory and features some impressive cinematography, good teases of fun action, and so on. It’s best described as an indie “Heat meets Predator.” Give it a chance, don’t tear it to shreds just because you don’t like the trailer. Anyway, watch the first teaser trailer for Skeleton Lake below.



AVI [700MV]
onclick="'')">IFILE : T2U-ACADEMY
onclick="'')">FILESONIC : T2U-ACADEMY
onclick="'')">MEGAUPLOAD : T2U-ACADEMY

AVI [700MV]
Part 1 onclick="'')">HOTFILE : T2U-ACADEMY
Part 2  onclick="'')">HOTFILE : T2U-ACADEMY

AVI [700MB]
Part 1 onclick="'')">MEDIAFIRE : T2U-ACADEMY
Part 2 onclick="'')">MEDIAFIRE : T2U-ACADEMY
Part 3 onclick="'')">MEDIAFIRE : T2U-ACADEMY
Part 4 onclick="'')">MEDIAFIRE : T2U-ACADEMY

Download Subtitle Here :  onclick="'#')">English

Battleground [2001] DVDRip - T2U Mediafire Link Battleground [2001] DVDRip - T2U Mediafire Link Reviewed by Chi Pu on 11:58 Rating: 5

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