Men in Black: The Dark Watchers (2012) DVDRip 300Mb-T2U

Title: Men in Black: The Dark Watchers
Year: 2012
Genre: Sci-Fi
Rating: N/A
Runtime: 90 min
Star: Melanie Denholme, Eirian Cohen and Val Monk
More and more UFO sightings occur every day. Across the globe people are losing time, friends and loved onesdisappear, while the Men in Black are perpetually lurking in the background. In a sleepy seaside village, three women search the skies for a sighting of a UFO that is repeatedly haunting the area. 



Men in Black: The Dark Watchers (2012) DVDRip 300Mb-T2U Men in Black: The Dark Watchers (2012) DVDRip 300Mb-T2U Reviewed by Chi Pu on 00:10 Rating: 5

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