Cat Shit One [2010] 720p BRRip [150MB] - T2U

Release Date: 2012
Stars: Satoshi Hino and Hiroshi Tsuchida
Quality: 720p BluRay

Botasky and Packy are private contractors, working in the Middle East, with support from a distant helicopter-mobile base. Their jobs are as “sniper” and “spotter”, although in this case the spotter seems to be the leader of the team. Their assignment is to extract two captives, an ally, and a local. The characters are 1. Rabbits (contractors), and 2. Camels (locals). Rabbits seem to have been chosen due to the Japanese word for Rabbit is Usagi, which can be interpreted to be U.S.A. GI. The Team must interpret the situation, and decide whether to extract the victims themselves or wait for further support. Things seem to be moving rapidly in a negative direction, so the Team elects to split up, and do the extraction themselves. They split up, with Packy going into a village to locate and pull the victims out, and Botasky providing over-watch and sniping support. The fighting is rapid.

Cat Shit One [2010] 720p BRRip [150MB] - T2U Cat Shit One [2010] 720p BRRip [150MB] - T2U Reviewed by Chi Pu on 04:05 Rating: 5

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