How I Met Your Mother S08 E3-E4 Inc Eng Sub

Season 08, Episode 03 – “Nannies”
Lily and Marshall have trouble finding a nanny for Marvin and learn that it is due to an elaborate scheme Barney invented to meet women. Meanwhile, Robin and Ted argue over who is in a more serious relationship.

Season 08, Episode 04 – “Who Wants to Be a Godparent”
Unable to decide which of their friends would make the best godparents to Marvin, Lily and Marshall put them all to a test.

Epd 4 - in progress

How I Met Your Mother S08 E3-E4 Inc Eng Sub How I Met Your Mother S08 E3-E4 Inc Eng Sub Reviewed by Chi Pu on 20:33 Rating: 5

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